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About Freemasonry.

People are never short of questions about Freemasonry. Rumours are assumed to be facts and no one outside Freemasonry seems to know  what it’s really all about.

Handshakes, ceremonies and ritual. What really goes on ?

The truth is :-

Freemasonry has many aims and objectives:

We are dedicated to making good men better and to developing our knowledge of ourselves as individuals and the world around us through education, discussion and social exchange

We aim to make proper use of our time, dividing it between worship, work, leisure and service, thus making the best use of our mental and physical abilities.

We aim to use our talents for the benefit of ourselves, our families, our neighbours and our communities throughout our private, public business and professional life.

We declare our membership whenever any possible conflict of interest may arise or be perceived to arise.

We promise not to use our membership to promote our own or anyone else’s private, public business or professional interests.

The Highest Moral and Social Standards.

We aim to behave towards others as we would have them behave towards us.

We aim to be constructive in our approach to life and uphold the importance of the welfare and independence of everyone.


We admit members from every ethnic group in the world.

We believe that all individuals are equal and dependant on each other. That they must be valued for their own merits regardless of factors such as race, national origin, religious creed, social status or wealth.

We respect the ideals and beliefs of others and endeavour to behave with kindness and understanding to all.

We cherish all life and the well being of all.


We consider charity as being goodwill to all.

We care not only for Masons and their families, but also for the community as a whole.

We raise money for charitable purposes only from our own members, not from the general public.

We give as generously as our wealth will allow and through voluntary work in the community.

Not only do we donate to local charities and good causes but also to medical research and need both locally and on a National scale.


We strive for truth and believe that nothing can justify the telling of lies or being untrustworthy.

We treat everyone in an open and honest manner.

Our Values.

Our Values are expressed as single words, which describe those attributes that Freemasons try to practise.

Our Objectives.

The Highest Moral Standards.

We are concerned with human behaviour, especially the distinction between good and bad and right and wrong.

We are taught to be aware that all individuals have a natural tendency towards both good and evil; to consider our options and choose the former.

We define our moral standards as-

Serve Our Own Religion.

Freemasonry is not a religion, but is about man’s relationship with man. There is no Masonic God, however, all Freemasons must declare a belief in a Supreme Being and we therefore have members of many faiths, including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.

We are encouraged to practice our own religion, whatever faith it may be, and regard Freemasonry as a moral code subordinate to, but supportive of, that religion.  We do not admit atheists or agnostics into Freemasonry.

Serve Their Own Community.

Freemasonry encourages us to fulfil our responsibilities to our family and ourselves:-

Serve Our Neighbours.

We try to:-

Our Masonic Lodge and its Members.

We serve our Lodge by:-

We promise to support and serve our fellow members by:-

A Society of Upright Men.

We offer membership to men of any race or religion who are of good reputation and not atheists or agnostics. All applicants must confirm that they are aged 21 years or above and come forward voluntarily with no expectation of obtaining material advantage.

We exclude from membership those Freemasons who abuse the trust placed in them in their private or public lives or who fail to uphold the rules of Freemasonry.

Our ceremonies contain dramatic presentations of moral lessons and include:-

We give as generously as our wealth will allow and through voluntary work in the community.

Our society is for men only but there is a parallel and totally independent Masonic organisation for women.

Enjoy Each Other’s Company.

Our social activities and our enjoyment of Freemasonry cannot be over-emphasised. The objectives of Freemasonry are serious but our members are ordinary, fun-loving individuals who seek a good balance in life.  Most of our meetings include a social dimension where the focus is on good fellowship and enjoyment in the company of like-minded friends.

Our family and friends are important to us and are actively encouraged to participate in our social activities just as we participate in theirs.

Develop Team Spirit and Fellowship.

We develop team spirit and fellowship through all our activities and gain an understanding of the needs of others which in turn leads to increased tolerance and respect.  We therefore consider Freemasonry to be a way of life which, when practised, makes us good citizens.

Happiness is the outcome of such activity. It cannot be expressed in words but can only be experienced in the heart. As such it is sometimes described as the only true mystery of Freemasonry.